students, subjects, & genres
I’m a multidisciplinary educator who has worked with a wide range of students in several different settings, including
undergraduate public humanities and women’s, gender, & sexuality studies courses at Sarah Lawrence College,
undergraduate writing classes at the University of Massachusetts Amherst,
undergraduate classes in Performance Studies and Gender & Sexuality Studies at Northwestern University,
college writing classes for incarcerated youth through the Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice,
high school classes in journalistic and expository writing through Summerfuel, an international high school program, and
creative nonfiction for advanced adult English language learners (Howard Area Community Center).
Sample Syllabi
Sarah Lawrence College: LGBT Studies 3209
Feminist and Queer Waves: Reading Canon in Context
Northwestern University: Perf. Studies/ Gender & Sexuality Studies 300
Trash! Abject Object Orientations, Hoarding, & Performance
University of Massachusetts Amherst: English Writing 112
College Writing
Across these diverse sites and students, I emphasize
autoethnographic inquiry, grounded in memoir and performances by minoritarian authors who theorize from embodied experience
multi-modal writing, including performance-making, digital writing, and creative non-fiction to target specific audiences and respond to specific exigencies
public engagement, including public performance, critical ethnography, and public writing genres, archival research, and
process-based writing, with frequent low-stakes writing and feminist techniques of workshopping and revisions.
Click here to read more about my teaching philosophy.